School’s out Friday

Improveverywhere‘s latest effort, ‘Say Something Nice’, is like visiting an old friend. It’s filmed in Union Square and this was where I caught the subway every day when I visited New York last year. The shoe store in the background is where I purchased shoes for my family. It’s funny living here in Australia and seeing something that is so far away and yet so familiar to me. Here’s hoping I get back there some day. It’s definitely my kind of town.

I’ve had an interesting week. I wrote a post for the VFLR blog called ‘5 Reasons Why Our Students Are Writing Blogs and Creating ePortfolios‘ and it was picked up by Zite, the iPad app that creates a personalised magazine based on your interests. It got a lot of attention as a result and was retweeted from people all around the world. Thanks to John Norton, who helps us with the Voices blog, it was picked up by the Mind/Shift blog in the United States. It was formatted for their readership and titled, ‘Six Reasons Why Kids Should Know How to Blog.‘ The post has been tweeted out 279 times and liked 76 times on Facebook according to the stats running on their page. It was also picked up by Zite. I know it’s being read throughout the US, UK, Finland, Canada, Germany, France and many other countries. Interestingly, it hasn’t seemed to spread too far throughout Australia, and yet the example being provided is from this country. I’d like to see more Australian educators reading it, and sharing it around their networks. I think the message it holds is an important one for our consideration, and for the futures of the young people we teach. I’m in the process of writing a lengthy post detailing how these blogs form part of a wider initiative at my school, and I hope to get it posted in the coming days.

Gorgeous weather is descending on Melbourne tomorrow. I intend to get my fair share of Vitamin D in the process. I hope you get an opportunity like this too.

Enjoy your weekend. : )

2 Replies to “School’s out Friday”

  1. Hello my name is Cassie Giles. I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am in enrolled in a class EDM310 and you were the teacher that I was assigned to visit your blog and leave comments on. Next week on 9/11/11 I will post a summary of my visits to your blog on my blog at
    I loved the video Say Something Nice. I found it interesting how the megaphone was just set up no specific instructions given and people stopped to say something nice. In a busy place like NY I am sure some of those comments were much needed for the ears they fell on. It seems such a meaningless thing a few nice words or a smile but we never know what that may do for someone in that moment. I have never been to NY nor Australia but would love to visit both before my time on earth is done.

    I followed the link and read your post on the VLFR blog. I found it very informative. I myself have questioned why was it beneficial for students to blog. You answered many of my questions in this post. Since I am a parent of a seven and six year old I am curios on where this is headed in the future in the U.S. Also one of the most enlightening points for me of your post was the section on transparency for parents and family. I have never considered this, it is almost like a digital scrapbook of sorts. The concept is wonderful to be able to go back years to come and follow your academics and friend and family comments on different portions of life. This opportunity has opened eyes of students young and old. We are all lifelong learners. It gives us all a broader scope of the world and all the opportunities that are available to us. As a parent I hope this is a reality for my children, I want them to experience life to the fullest and without technology the communication gap could not be breached for them.
    There is a tropical depression on the gulf coast so it looks like we will have a wet weekend. Enjoy your sunshine. šŸ˜‰

  2. I came across your excellent post just in time Jenny. I was able to incorporate it into my presentation at The 5th National Leading a Digital School Conference, which was held last week in Melbourne. Titled ‘Preparing your students for their future not your past’ I essentially promoted the use of blogging and edmodo with students. Using your excellent post I was able to direct my audience to a range of fabulous class and student blogs from around Australia, so thank you for writing it just in time.

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